Sunday, July 11, 2021

Updated Medication Checklist for Psychiatrists


I decided to update the medication list that I posted here last February.  Not much has changed but I am using it for another couple of projects that I am working on. I am currently working on a detailed look at medications psychiatrists prescribe that may interact with medications used to treat atrial fibrillation (see previous post). I am also going to try to arrange the medications on this list according to the purported mechanisms of action.  The current available systems include the Neuroscience Based Nomenclature (NbN) and the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification.  Both of these systems will involve many more categories and reformatting of the document.  I would like to retain the single page format for convenience.

Per the previous posts on this blog, I devised this sheet in order to get a more accurate idea about what my patients had taken in the past.  I found that they were able to recall many more previous treatments by reading through the list and that it was relatively efficient. I posted this list to Twitter to solicit recommendations and corrections and made some of those changes.  Several people suggested alphabetizing the lists, but I typically put the most recent medications at the top of the list and medications that made be no longer manufactured or more rarely prescribed at the bottom. There were some recommendations for medications that are available in other countries but not the US. I would be amenable to modifying the list for specific countries if someone could edit the current list and make sure it was corrected for the country that you are practicing in.  You could also just type up your own list.  You will also find several medications that have been discontinued either for safety or economic reasons. They are on the list because there are still relevant to the medication history of many patients.

I found that this list was also useful for research projects.  I was involved in a research project last year where there was some confusion about what psychiatric medications would be allowed in a study that looked at antidipsogenic medication. I showed my list to the Principle Investigator and other colleagues working on the project and we decided in a brief meeting the drugs that would be included or excluded in the protocol by just going through the document and checking them off. 

I wrote a more detailed post on this list last February with some disclaimers.  The same disclaimers apply. I don't make any guarantees that it is comprehensive or that you will find it useful. I think it does a fairly good job of illustrating the kinds of medications that psychiatrists prescribe, but that is always relative to the practice setting. During 22 years of inpatient practice, I was responsible for prescribing all of the medications that the patient was taking.  I had access to very good consultants, but had to do the initial treatment, medication reconciliation and adjustments as well as trying to address any new medical disorders. You certainly learn a lot of medicine and pharmacology in that setting, but on the other hand it is extremely time-consuming and with today's productivity demands - I would not recommend it. Nobody pays you for doing the job of two people, even though it is very efficient and patient-centered.  

The only major class of medication excluded from the table are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors ACHEIs) including donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (Razadyne).  These medications are used in the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease along with the NMDA receptor antagonist memantine (Namenda).  Psychiatrists prescribe these medications and the only reason they were not included in the table is space and the fact it would have required major formatting changes. 

Watch this space for further updates.  I will date and post links to new updates in the space below with the dates that the update occurred. I will also post the table looking at drug interactions with medications used to treat atrial fibrillation in the previous post.

George Dawson, MD, DFAPA

Link to Updates:

I have received a fair number of emails requesting this document from GDRIVE.  This link seems to work for me and it is publicly available. If it does not work for you email me and I will send you the most recent document.

Medication Checklist 07.11.2021 Link 

Medication Checklist 07.11.2021 Link  (Corrects valproate/divalproex section)

Medication Checklist 07.11.2021 Link  (Corrects misspelling of Caplyta)

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

An Outstanding Paper on Atrial Fibrillation


I have been fascinated by atrial fibrillation since I was a third-year medical student. I was doing a Medicine rotation and examining a middle-aged man.  Listening to his heart sounds was the first time I heard the irregularly irregular heart rhythm characteristic of atrial fibrillation. It was such an outrageous and unexpected sound compared to what I was used to that I felt a little panicky. Why wasn’t this patient experiencing more symptoms and even more unexplainably – why doesn’t he sense that there is something wrong with his heart beat?  Since then, I have treated hundreds of patients with atrial fibrillation.  I ask them all if they can sense the irregular heart beat and in the people I see about half of them can.  Being a psychiatrist, diagnosing and treating atrial fibrillation is technically not my “job”.  But it is currently such a prevalent condition that a brief examination typically triggered by vital signs and noting a pulse irregularity followed by an electrocardiogram is all that is needed. Atrial fibrillation has considerable mortality and morbidity associated with the most feared complication of stroke. A good friend of mine developed renal failure from a combination of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter and required ablation procedures to restore normal sinus rhythm.  Two relatives had strokes associated with atrial fibrillation resulting in disability and ultimately death. Both had atrial fibrillation for about 30 years.  One of them was 92 years old, using digoxin for rate control, and not on anticoagulants. The other was 92 years old, using diltiazem for rate control, and on warfarin at therapeutic doses. He had two strokes about 10 years apart on the warfarin and multiple episodes of nuisance bleeding or excessive bleeding from minor injuries due to anticoagulation that did not require medical attention.   Another friend had pulmonary complications from an antiarrhythmic drug that he was taking for a new onset of atrial fibrillation and died as a result of those complications. Sixteen years ago – I developed lone atrial fibrillation while speedskating and have been on antiarrhythmics since that time.

When you see all of those problems associated with a condition and have had it yourself, you tend to read more about it than the average person.  Reading about atrial fibrillation is generally a frustrating task. The evidence base for treating the condition seems to be in a state of flux. For years the research seemed to say that rate control and rhythm control led to equivalent outcomes. When life style measures were included, the rhythm control strategies seemed superior. Even the question of anticoagulation with novel oral anticoagulants of NOACs for stroke prevention based on a scoring system has been called into question recently.

That brings me to the topic of this blog post and that is the single best summary of information about atrial fibrillation that I have seen anywhere - at least for nonspecialists in that area.

The paper was written this year in the New England Journal of Medicine (1). It starts out with a case description of a 63-year-old man with a new onset of atrial fibrillation. The authors discuss the disease in detail and treatment recommendations consistent with their discussion. What I really like about this paper is that they are discussing phenotypes of atrial fibrillation and I do not see that happening very often in real clinical situations. The phenotypes they discuss are paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, persistent atrial fibrillation, and long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation.  They have an excellent figure in their paper that was unfortunately prohibitively expensive for me to try to post here, but the basic idea is that there are distinct anatomical and electrophysiological substrates for each of those phenotypes. In the paper the phenotypes are labeled as “clinical profiles”. His phenotypes have prognostic considerations since the authors make the point that there is a gradation in the likelihood of conversion to normal sinus rhythm and maintaining that rhythm with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation being the most likely to convert and maintain a normal sinus rhythm and long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation being the least likely to convert. Just knowing that much about atrial fibrillation is a significant advance compared with most of the clinical discussions that I hear.

The second feature in this paper that I really like is that atrial fibrillation is not necessarily a benign condition. For years the discussion has been controlling the rate or rhythm and in most cases they have been considered to be equivalent. Many clinicians have their first experience with atrial fibrillation like I had. They are doing a physical examination outpatient for another reason and they notice they are in atrial fibrillation. Depending on physiological factors that patients irregularly irregular heart rate may already be rate controlled. I have talked with many people over the years who knew that their heart rate was irregular because their spouse noticed it and they did not do anything about it for years. Atrial fibrillation is a risk factor for embolic strokes as well as dementia, death, and heart failure. Persistent tachycardia can cause cardiomyopathy and reduced cardiac output can lead to renal failure.  The authors suggest that a heart rate of 110 bpm or greater might lead to cardiomyopathy but they also suggest it can occur at a lower rate. This is an interesting observation because the most recent review in UpToDate on sinus tachycardia suggests it is generally a benign condition, however an irregular tachycardia because of reduced cardiac output is likely a different matter.

In addition, the patient can be symptomatic from reduce cardiac output with lightheadedness, dizziness, fatigue, decreased exercise tolerance, palpitations, hypertension, and an exacerbation of symptoms of underlying coronary artery disease. The lesson for psychiatrists is if you notice that a patient has atrial fibrillation it cannot be approached casually. Atrial fibrillation is associated with significant medical comorbidities such as underlying structural coronary disease, obesity, sleep apnea, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus. If the patient has had limited contact with primary care physicians the comorbid conditions may have gone unnoticed. It makes sense to ask about additional symptoms in the review of systems as well as family history and whether that patient is seen primary care physician or cardiologist recently.  I would have no problem referring a patient with tachycardia, expected symptoms, or risk factors to an emergency department for acute stabilization if I could not get them seen in a primary care clinic.

The authors go into treatment of atrial fibrillation as basically a rate control strategy, a rhythm control strategy, and a strategy to address comorbid medical conditions.  They review rate control with beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers and prefer beta-blockers. They consider a number of antiarrhythmics and the risks and benefits of those medications.  They consider catheter ablation - either radiofrequency pulmonary vein isolation or cryoablation as being more effective for treating and preventing recurrent atrial fibrillation. The recurrence rates are relatively high even after the ablation procedures, so continued antiarrhythmic medications may be necessary.

Once a patient has stable treated atrial fibrillation, the main task for the psychiatrist is to make sure that any prescribed medications do not interfere with the cardiac medications at either the pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic level. QTc prolongation is a primary consideration since several of the agents used prolong the QTc interval or affect other cardiac conduction.  At the pharmacokinetic level there is the possible risk of decreased metabolism of beta-blockers and increasing bradycardia and hypotension. If I have any doubts all about medication combinations I am usually in touch with the patient’s cardiologist or primary care physician before making those changes. All of the patients I see with atrial fibrillation also have their blood pressure and pulse taken at every visit along with the description of symptoms and potential medication side effects. That means I never practice in an environment where I can't do that. I will also review how well their comorbid conditions are being treated particularly hypertension, sleep apnea, and diabetes mellitus. I will provide them with concrete advice on how to approach those problems and whether or not they need to be seeing their primary care physician sooner than scheduled.

This is also an opportunity to discuss any comorbid substance use problems. Alcohol is a definite precipitant of atrial fibrillation. I have had patients never experience another episode by stopping alcohol. I have also had patients report that they can tell when their alcohol level reaches a certain point because they will go into atrial fibrillation for several hours until that alcohol is metabolized. Stimulant medications are also a risk because they increase sympathetic tone, increase heart rate, increase blood pressure. All three of those changes can trigger an episode of atrial fibrillation.  Cannabis can have a fairly potent sympathomimetic effect by acutely lowering blood pressure leading to a reflex tachycardia. Atrial fibrillation has been reported as one of several cardiac arrhythmias associated with cannabis use (2). Interestingly, the authors of the NEJM article state that caffeine is not a precipitant. There are no qualifiers on that statement and I think it is based primarily on epidemiological evidence. Caffeine intake is always important to quantify because of its wide variability across the population and general reputation of being a benign compound. There are segments of the population that consume large quantities of caffeinated beverages every day and experience the expected side effects of anxiety (in some cases panic attacks), agitation, insomnia, and hyperadrenergic effects but they seem unaware that these symptoms are related to their caffeine consumption. Certainly consumption at that level can directly or indirectly precipitate an episode of atrial fibrillation.

That is my brief review of the NEJM article in atrial fibrillation. I encourage all psychiatrists to get a copy of this paper, read it, and keep it for reference. I am not suggesting that psychiatrists treat this condition.  I am suggesting that they recognize it - even if it has not been diagnosed and know what to do when that occurs. The reality is that in adult psychiatry no matter what your practice setting there will be a significant number of people with atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias as well as all of the known comorbidities. You cannot treat those people unless you know about these conditions, the comorbidities, and how to avoid complications.

 George Dawson, MD, DFAPA



1:  Michaud GF, Stevenson WG. Atrial Fibrillation. N Engl J Med. 2021 Jan 28;384(4):353-361. doi: 10.1056/NEJMcp2023658. PMID: 33503344.

2:  Richards JR, Blohm E, Toles KA, Jarman AF, Ely DF, Elder JW. The association of cannabis use and cardiac dysrhythmias: a systematic review. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2020 Sep;58(9):861-869. doi: 10.1080/15563650.2020.1743847. Epub 2020 Apr 8. PMID: 32267189.


Common and uncommon medications listed in this article used in atrial fibrillation for rate control, antiarrhythmic properties, and anticoagulation.  I added additional warnings and general type of medications that might require avoiding based on pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic considerations. Important to keep in mind that all medications vary in their ability to affect these mechanisms as well as therapeutic mechanisms. That includes significant differences between medications in the same class. That leads to qualifiers like "all possible mechanisms leading to complications or serious adverse effects may not be listed" (in this package insert or computerized drug interaction program). Almost every time I am seeing a patient on these medications - it requires a study of the medication combination, even if they are taking a psychiatric medication that appears to be working. Baseline cardiac symptoms related to the arrhythmia also need to be established as well as the patient's plan to obtain assistance if they worsen.

Additional qualifier (if it is not obvious). Psychiatrists prescribe beta blockers (metoprolol, propranolol, pindolol, etc). Psychiatrists can diagnose atrial fibrillation. Psychiatrists do not manage atrial fibrillation but need to know what to do acutely and how to avoid complications of the following medical therapies from drug interactions with psychiatric medications. Practically all of the antiarrhythmics in the following table are prescribed by Cardiologists and subsequently managed by primary care physicians although many patients continue to see Cardiologists in follow up. Like all areas of medicine the limits of technical expertise need to be recognized.  I worked with Cardiologists who became psychiatrists and they restricted their practice to medications prescribed by psychiatrists.  

Graphics Credit:

Bunch TJ, Cutler MJ. Is pulmonary vein isolation still the cornerstone in atrial fibrillation ablation? J Thorac Dis 2015;7(2):132-141. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2014.12.46

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