Showing posts with label George Vaillant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Vaillant. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Being Flynn - Another Cinematic Portrayal of Alcoholism

My previous post looked at the accurate portrayal of alcoholism in the film Flight.  I recently saw Being Flynn starring Robert De Niro in the role of an alcoholic father and self proclaimed novelist.  This film is also a study of alcoholism.

Like Denzel Washington, De Niro accurately portrays the ways that alcoholism impacts the lives of some men.  In this case we meet De Niro's character Jonathan Flynn in a downward spiral.  We first meet his son Nick Flynn and learn through a series of flashbacks that the elder Flynn abandoned Nick and his mother for unclear reasons and he has not seen his father in about 18 years.   We first see Jonathan Flynn when he is driving a taxi.  He is drinking vodka on a regular basis.  We see him lose his job and then his housing and end up at a homeless shelter.  Nick is floundering as a poet and author.  He lacks direction and the flashbacks suggest that childhood adversity has played a big role.  He comes to be employed at a homeless shelter where his father eventually seeks shelter.

The trajectory of that story line is impacted by the fact that Jonathan is a very volatile and generally unlikable character.  Although it is certainly dangerous to live on the street, he has an aggressive attitude at times that is not warranted.  It is the reason he was evicted.  At other times he is able to keep quiet when he witnesses some street thugs beating one of his drinking buddies.  He uses a lot of expletives and at times seems incoherent.  In his interaction with Nick he is unapologetic and grandiose - describing himself as one of America's greatest authors.  When he allows Nick to read his manuscript, the first chapter shows some promise but the rest is incoherent.

Nick is on his own parallel journey.  He is lucky to get the job at the homeless shelter and initially blends in seamlessly with the staff.  The shelter staff and the environment at the shelter is expertly portrayed and very realistic.   The tension at the shelter between caring for desperate and sometimes disagreeable men and the required altruism is palpable.  Eventually Jonathan's disagreeable temperament creates a situation where Nick has to vote on whether to expel him.   He does despite a staff person trying to convince him not to send his father out on one of the coldest days of the year.  Jonathan predictably acts like he relishes the thought and that living on the street is nothing.  When we see what actually happens out there it is clear that his attitude is another manifestation of his pathology.  There is a time when we are not sure whether Jonathan will survive or not.

There are a number of fascinating articles available that look at the process of making this film.  The gold standard for any film is the book and many critics suggest reading that as a starting point.  The real Nick Flynn has some fascinating interviews talking about the evolution of homelessness in America.  When did it become acceptable?  The motion picture business is averse to producing any films that portray characters or themes that the general public would find to be distressing and the main reason is how that translates into box office numbers.

As I contemplated the Flynns' predicament I naturally thought about all of the homeless alcoholic men I have seen in the past 25 years.  At some point in time they all create the anger, frustration, and hopelessness portrayed in this film.  Many of them are not only grandiose and paranoid, but permanently delusional or amnestic.  The good news is that they are also a stimulus for the altruism apparent in the shelter staff in this film and eventually Nick Flynn himself.  This film is similar to Flight in that there are no proposed solutions.  The are no public policy statements.  It is an accurate depiction of real people dealing the the problem of addiction in their daily lives.  Despite those significant problems there are hopeful messages everywhere.  After reading an interview with the author, I am skeptical of the origins of those messages, but based on my experience they seem real.

I also had associations to what I consider to be some of the most important work in alcoholism.  The first was a study of inner city alcoholics by George Vaillant in the 1980s and several subsequent studies by the same author.  Most of the original articles online are available only with steep fees for a one time read.  It is probably easier to look at The Natural History of Alcoholism - Revisited in your local library.  It contains most of the important graphics from the research articles and Dr. Vaillant's views circa 1995.  The summary section looks at seven very important questions about the nature of alcoholism and the answers provided by prospective research on the problem.  In looking at this research, Jonathan Flynn probably most closely resembles the follow up study of 100 consecutive admissions to a detoxification unit in Boston.  At the end of 8 years of follow up, about 32% were abstinent, about 30 % were still drinking and 32% were dead or institutionalized.  One of Dr. Vaillant's characterizations of the recovery process in alcoholism:  "... alcoholics recover not because we treat them, but because they heal themselves.  Staying sober is not a process of simply becoming detoxified, but often becomes the work of several years or in a few cases even of a lifetime.  Our task is to provide emergency medical care, shelter, detoxification, and understanding until self healing takes place." (p384).  Self healing was evident in this film.

The other work that I routinely discuss with people I have seen for alcoholism and the associated comorbidity is the work of Markku Linnoila.  Dr. Linnoila was a prolific researcher in both basic and clinical alcoholism research.  He did some of the early studies looking at cerebrospinal fluid metabolites, especially serotonin metabolites and how they correlate with depression, aggression, and impulsivity over time when men consume alcohol.  These studies continue to provide a scientific basis for advising patients on basic dietary changes and in some cases pharmacological interventions that may assist in recovery.  An important aspect of the work of shelters like the one depicted in this movie is getting protein back into the diet of the homeless with alcoholism.

This film is harder to watch than Flight but it is no less accurate a depiction of how alcoholism can impact the person and their family.  It speaks to the spectrum of intervention necessary to provide safety and assist with recovery.

George Dawson, MD, DFAPA

Vaillant GE. Alcoholics Anonymous: cult or cure? Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2005 Jun;39(6):431-6. PubMed PMID: 15943643.